Harvard University COVID-19 updates

Department News

A Heartfelt Thank You!

A Heartfelt Thank You!

As 2021 draws to a close, we would like to take a moment to acknowledge and to thank everyone who has enabled us to pursue our scientific, outreach, and educational missions this year. Naturally, this community includes undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, staff, and faculty, but it also includes colleagues in other departments and at other institutions, collaborators, supporters, friends, family, and neighbors. MCB couldn’t have made it through this year without all of you.

Where 2020 was a year of surprises and adjustments, 2021 was a long haul. The challenges and losses have continued throughout the year, leaving nearly everyone burned out. Acknowledging these difficulties is important, as is celebrating the wins and expressing solidarity and care for those around you.

So, we would like to express immense gratitude and admiration to all of you. Your compassion, your persistence, your creativity, your collegiality, and your friendship have all made a difficult year a little bit easier to bear.

Despite the obstacles, many aspects of departmental life carried on–classes were taught and attended, research continued, grant and award applications were submitted, papers were written and published, events took place, administrative tasks were handled, lab animals were fed, countless emails went back-and-forth, and colleagues celebrated each other’s accomplishments.

For your enjoyment, we’ve included a slideshow (download presentation) with a collection of images from the past year.

We wish all of you a happy and restorative holiday break. Please take some much-needed time away from work and reconnect with family and friends. Remember to get a booster vaccine if you haven’t yet and stay safe.

The rhinos will still be here in 2022, and we’ll see you in the New Year!

Happy holidays!

Sean Eddy and Jessica Manning