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MCB Secondary Field

MCB Secondary Field



    Note: The secondary field in Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) is intended for students with an interest in the life sciences, particularly in the study of biological processes based on the investigation of molecules and their interactions in the context of cells and tissues. It is designed to provide a broad yet rigorous introduction to the field and may be appropriate for students with diverse career interests, including (but certainly not limited to) applied mathematics, statistics, computer science, economics, government, health policy, business, and journalism.

    • Students need a minimum of 3 courses in introductory and intermediate levels and a minimum of 1 advanced course.
    • LS 1a and LS 1b (or LS 50), as well as MCB 60, are foundational courses highly recommended for all students.
    • Students should consult the concentration adviser for advice on 100-level course selection. Research courses are encouraged for students interested in integrating a research experience into their plan of study.
    • Students who take LS 50 will be credited for LS 1a, LS 1b, and a research course. They can thus fulfill the secondary field requirements by completing two intermediate courses, or one intermediate course and one MCB 100-level course.

    The MCB secondary field is not open to students concentrating in Chemical and Physical Biology, Human Developmental and Regenerative Biology, Neurobiology, or other life sciences, given similarities in the content and skills developed within these concentrations and current policy with respect to counting courses for concentration and secondary fields.


    Introductory Courses

    One or Two courses

    Intermediate Courses

    One or Two courses

    Advanced Courses

    Complete remainder of requirements from research or advanced courses in MCB


    LS 1a (or LPS A), or LS 1b

    MCB 60, 63, 65, 66, 68, or 80

    MCB 100-level courses,

    MCB 91, or MCB 100/LS 100


    Introductory Courses

    One or Two courses

    LS 1a (or LPS A), or LS 1b

    Intermediate Courses

    One or Two courses

    MCB 60, 63, 65, 66, 68, or 80

    Advanced Courses

    Complete remainder of requirements from research or advanced courses in MCB

    MCB 100-level courses,

    MCB 91, or MCB 100/LS 100