Harvard University COVID-19 updates

Postdoctoral Postdoctoral Community

Postdoctoral Community

A Message From the Postdoc Science Café team

Dear Science Postdocs,

  • How many postdocs outside your lab do you know at Harvard? 5, 10?
  • Do you realize that there are 800 science postdocs like you in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences alone?
  • Have you ever wondered where all these postdocs are, and what they’re working on?
  • Wouldn’t it be great to meet new, interesting people working in all different fields and disciplines all around you?

To help answering some of these questions, we would like to introduce the Postdoc Science Café (PSC) (as a reboot of the Postdoc Science Club).

In our Science Café we will combine science, networking, and community in a relaxed atmosphere. In one 10 min presentation and two short (1 slide) teasers, volunteers can present their work to other postdocs. Since we are aiming for a broad mix of fields and topics, the idea is to give a glimpse of your work to people entirely outside your field.

We will also have food and drinks, and enough time for chatting with each other—about both Science and Non-Science.

The Postdoc Science Café is a chance to learn something about the amazing variety of research done by Postdocs and also an opportunity to build our postdoc community.

If you’re interested in presenting your work to a broad audience, please get in touch with us at faspsc@fas.harvard.edu.

Any suggestions, questions or comments welcome!

Your Postdoc Science Café team


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