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CPB Concentrator Benjamin Chang (‘24) Crosses the Charles River…in a Pumpkin

CPB Concentrator Benjamin Chang (‘24) Crosses the Charles River…in a Pumpkin

CPB and Computer Science concentrator Benjamin Chang (‘24) rowed across the Charles last weekend in a giant pumpkin. Although pumpkin regattas are a beloved tradition in some places, Chang’s voyage across the Charles is the first time someone has crossed that particular river in an enormous gourd. The event served as a fundraiser for Harvard OpenBio, a student-led biomakerspace that launched last year, which is led by Chang, MCB concentrator Isabella Goodchild-Michelman (‘23), MCB concentrator Audrey Gunawan (‘25), Neuro concentrator Ayush Noori (‘25), Rohil Dhaliwal (‘25), Hugh Hankenson (‘26), and Ani Srinivasan (‘25).

(l to r) Michael Zhang (CPB), Benjamin Chang (CPB), Ian Espy (IB)


(l to r) Isabella Goodchild-Michelman (MCB) and Michael Zhang (CPB)

When they’re not turning pumpkins into boats, Harvard OpenBio’s activities include hosting educational workshops, providing mentorship opportunities, and providing space and resources for student-led research projects. 

He added, “This fundraiser raised hundreds of dollars to support student-run projects, such as creating affordable yogurt-based tuberculosis therapeutics using engineered lactic acid bacteria. We’re excited to support many more exciting projects this semester, like developing a low-cost surgical robotics system and biological dressings for chronic wounds. We’re currently recruiting for undergraduates to join these student-led projects and continuing to welcome contributions to our Venmo @HarvardOpenBio!

Audrey Gunawan (MCB)

Benjamin Chang (photo courtesy of Brian Zhou)

Benjamin Chang (photo courtesy of Brian Zhou)