

(front l to r) Jun-Han Su (SCRB 130), Jamilla Akhund-Zade (MCB 291), Georgia Squyres (MCB 60), Marie Teng-Pei Wu (LS 1A), (middle l to r) David Tomasek (LS 1A), Alexandra Mattei (MCB 60), Allyson Ramirez (MCB 60), (back) Jacky Ho Wa Cheng (LS 1A), not shown Felix Barber (LS 1A), Ho-Wa Cheng (LS 1A), Javier Masis (MCB 81), Iris Odstrcil (MCB 80), Juliana Rhee (MCB 81), Jonathan Robert Russell (SCIPHUNV 27)

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(front l to r) Jun-Han Su (SCRB 130), Jamilla Akhund-Zade (MCB 291), Georgia Squyres (MCB 60), Marie Teng-Pei Wu (LS 1A), (middle l to r) David Tomasek (LS 1A), Alexandra Mattei (MCB 60), Allyson Ramirez (MCB 60), (back) Jacky Ho Wa Cheng (LS 1A), not shown Felix Barber (LS 1A), Ho-Wa Cheng (LS 1A), Javier Masis (MCB 81), Iris Odstrcil (MCB 80), Juliana Rhee (MCB 81), Jonathan Robert Russell (SCIPHUNV 27)