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Postdoctoral Fellow

Mayra Patricia Garcia Alcala

Postdoctoral Fellow

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Mayra received her doctorate in Physical Sciences at UNAM. Her dissertation research focused the on the effect at single-cell level of unnecessary protein expression in the growth of E. coli. She performed systematic microfluidic experiments where she monitored the growth and gene expression of fluorescent and flagellar genes on different conditions. The goal being to understand the correlation of growth variables (size, division time, growth rate) and the protein production at the single-cell level and relate such relations with the so called populational “growth-laws”.

She joined Cluzel’s lab as a postdoc to work on the construction of a high-yield expression system for bacterial Hyaluronidase production on E. coli.

Such project is being guided for the Blavatnik Biomedical Accelerator.