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Elena Rivas
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Name Title Appointment type Lab / Office Building Room Contact
Zhixue Bai Postdoctoral Fellow Postdoctoral Fellow Elena Rivas NW NW 429 zhixuebai@fas.harvard.edu
Francis "Frank" Costanzo Administrative Coordinator Administrative Staff Daniel Needleman, Elena Rivas, Genome Modification Facility (GMF) / Lab Administration NW & BL NW 359 & BL B064 fcostanzo@mcb.harvard.edu
Agata Kilar Postdoctoral Fellow Postdoctoral Fellow Elena Rivas NW NW 430 akilar@fas.harvard.edu
Marcin Magnus Postdoctoral Fellow Postdoctoral Fellow Elena Rivas NW NW 340 mmagnus@fas.harvard.edu
Elena Rivas Senior Research Fellow
Lecturer in Molecular and Cellular Biology
Faculty Elena Rivas NW NW 430 elenarivas@fas.harvard.edu
Marcell Szikszai Associate of the Department Associate Elena Rivas NW NW L431 marcellszikszai@fas.harvard.edu
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