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Assistant Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology and of Applied Physics

Maxim Prigozhin

Assistant Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology and of Applied Physics

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Multicolor and time-resolved electron microscopy of cell signaling

My lab is developing biophysical methods to achieve multicolor and dynamic biological imaging at the molecular scale.

Our approach to capturing the dynamics of cellular processes involves cryo-vitrifying samples after known time delays following stimulation using custom cryo-plunging and high-pressure freezing instruments.

To achieve multicolor electron imaging, we are exploring the property of cathodoluminescence — optical emission induced by the electron beam. We are developing nanoprobes (“cathodophores”) that will be used as luminescent protein tags in electron microscopy.

We are applying these new methods to study G-protein-coupled receptor signaling and to visualize the formation of biomolecular condensates.


Selected Publications