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Maxim Prigozhin
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Name Title Appointment type Lab / Office Building Room Contact
Daphne Archonta Undergraduate Undergraduate Student Maxim Prigozhin NW NW 448 darchonta@g.harvard.edu
Jeremy Conway Graduate Student Graduate Student Maxim Prigozhin NW NW 450 jeremyconway@g.harvard.edu
Holly Fulginiti Administrative Lab Coordinator Administrative Staff Maxim Prigozhin, Alain Viel / Lab Administration NW NW 445 hfulginiti@fas.harvard.edu
Jimmy Hsu Graduate Student Graduate Student (non-MCB) Maxim Prigozhin NW NW 448 jimmyhsu@fas.harvard.edu
Simon Merminod Postdoctoral Fellow Postdoctoral Fellow Maxim Prigozhin NW NW 448 smerminod@fas.harvard.edu
Maxim Prigozhin Assistant Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology and of Applied Physics Faculty Maxim Prigozhin NW NW 445.20 maxim_prigozhin@harvard.edu
Sohaib Abdul Rehman Postdoctoral Fellow Postdoctoral Fellow Maxim Prigozhin NW NW 448 sohaibabdulrehman@fas.harvard.edu
Surabhi Sreenivas Postdoctoral Fellow Postdoctoral Fellow Maxim Prigozhin NW - surabhi_sreenivas@fas.harvard.edu
Arvind Srinivasan Graduate Student Graduate Student (non-MCB) Maxim Prigozhin NW NW 448 aksrinivasan@g.harvard.edu
Ami Thakrar Graduate Student Graduate Student (non-MCB) Maxim Prigozhin NW NW 449 ami_thakrar@hst.harvard.edu
Xingchi Yan Associate of the Department Associate Maxim Prigozhin NW - xyan1@fas.harvard.edu
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