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Vlad Denic
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Name Title Appointment type Lab / Office Building Room Contact
Kyle Anderson Lab Technician Research Staff Vlad Denic NW NW 440 kyleanderson@fas.harvard.edu
Vlad Denic Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology Faculty Vlad Denic NW NW 445.30 vdenic@mcb.harvard.edu
Christopher Doty Lab Administrator Administrative Staff Sharad Ramanathan, Vlad Denic, Ethan Garner / Lab Administration NW NW 415 christopherdoty@fas.harvard.edu
Igor Levchenko Research Scientist Research Staff Vlad Denic NW NW 440 igor_levchenko@fas.harvard.edu
Md Abdulla Al Mamun Postdoctoral Fellow Postdoctoral Fellow Vlad Denic NW NW 440 muhammad_mamun@fas.harvard.edu
Anjali Nelliat Postdoctoral Fellow Postdoctoral Fellow Vlad Denic NW NW 440 anelliat@fas.harvard.edu
Jeffrey Offermann Research Assistant II Research Staff Vlad Denic, Ethan Garner, Philippe Cluzel NW NW B324 offermann@fas.harvard.edu
Dvir Reif Postdoctoral Fellow Postdoctoral Fellow Vlad Denic NW NW 440 dvirreif@fas.harvard.edu
Abe Sabbarini Graduate Student Graduate Student Andrew Murray, Vlad Denic NW NW 358.40-8A isabbarini@fas.harvard.edu
617-496-1384, 617-496-1489
Michael Schwabe Postdoctoral Fellow Postdoctoral Fellow Vlad Denic NW NW 440 mschwabe@fas.harvard.edu
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