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Concentrators are encouraged to do research in any area of the life sciences of interest. Many labs on the Cambridge campus as well as labs at Harvard Medical School or affiliated hospitals host undergraduate researchers. Talk to the ADUS, Dominic Mao,, Concentration Advisor Monique Brewster, or to the Co-Head-Tutors, about how to find a lab that matches your interests. You may also contact the undergraduate science research advisor, Kate Penner.
Concentrators should discuss the expectations for any for credit or not-for-credit research experiences with their PI and director mentor in the lab and fill out a CPB-MCB Research Contract. Instructions on how to submit it are included on the contract.
Useful links:
A senior thesis is a year-long research for credit course worth 8 credits and is letter graded. Students must identify a faculty sponsor that is willing to host and mentor them latest by the end of Spring semester of Junior year (students may decide to start earlier) since the thesis proposal is due mid-July before senior year. Faculty sponsors must be a Harvard faculty or an affiliate of Harvard. Once your proposal is accepted, you may enroll in MCB/CPB 99AB. Students enrolled in 99AB are expected to work ~15 hours/week during term time. Research mentors are expected to provide training on both the science and writing. The undergraduate office will provide supplemental support by hosting a number of workshops and exercises aimed at improving the quality of presentation and writing.
A full list of MCB and CPB undergraduate theses is available here.