Job Opportunities Post-Doctoral Positions

Post-Doctoral Positions


The Department is actively seeking postdoctoral fellows in a wide variety of fields within molecular and cellular biology. We are seeking highly creative and motivated postdocs with broad interests and outstanding graduate training. We encourage applicants from various backgrounds and promote diversity throughout the University. Postdoctoral appointments are initially 1 year in duration, renewable on an annual basis.

Interested individuals should apply to the faculty member directly. A link to each faculty member’s contact information and website can be found on the Faculty Profiles page.

Harvard University is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, age, protected veteran status, disability, genetic information, military service, pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, or other protected status.

Immediate openings are listed below.



Bellono, Nicholas

Interests: Explore molecular adaptations underlying unique behaviors. Octopus, sharks, jellyfish, photosynthetic animals, walking fish, and more. Background in cell biology, physiology, biochemistry, structure, other molecular approaches.

Chung, Jeeyun

Interests: Cellular fat metabolism and inter-organelle communication.

Recruiting Postdoctoral Fellow. More Information

Cluzel, Philippe

Interests: Real-time systems analysis of signal transduction and genetic networks at the single cell level.

D’Souza, Victoria

Interests: RNA biology (transcription, reverse transcription, translation, trafficking), structure biology, structural virology, biochemistry, biophysics, RNA-protein interaction.

Recruiting Postdoctoral Fellow. More Information

Denic, Vlad         

Interests: Protein folding, quality control, and homeostasis.

Dulac, Catherine

Interests: Molecular and neural architecture of social behavior circuits.

Eddy, Sean

Interests: Computational and quantitative biology.

Recruiting Postdoctoral Fellow. More Information

Elya, Carolyn

Interests: Mechanistic underpinnings of parasitic behavior manipulation in zombie flies from molecules to circuits using a multidisciplinary approach.

Engert, Florian

Interests: Synaptic plasticity: cellular mechanisms, development of functional networks and links to behavior.

Extavour, Cassandra

Interests: Evolution of molecular and developmental mechanisms controlling cell fate decisions.

Garner, Ethan

Interests: High resolution dynamic and spatial studies of prokaryotic cellular organization.

Gaudet, Rachelle

Interests: Structural biology of signaling and transport through biological membranes.

Recruiting Postdoctoral Fellows. More Information

Gredler, Marissa

Interests: Collective cell behaviors that build tissues in live embryos.

Recruiting Postdoctoral Fellows. More Information

Hekstra, Doeke

Interests: Physics, dynamics, and evolution of proteins; microbial cell physiology.

Hensch, Takao

Interests: Experience-dependent brain development; critical periods.

Hoekstra, Hopi

Interests: The genetic basis of adaptive morphology and behavior.

Hunter, Craig

Interests: C. elegans genetics of intercellular RNAi signaling.

Kahne, Daniel

Interests: Mechanisms of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance.

Kleckner, Nancy

Interests: Chromosomes: motion, mechanics, DNA dynamics and spatial patterning.

Kunes, Sam

Interests: Development of the nervous system, synaptic plasticity, behavior and evolution.

Lichtman, Jeff

Interests: Synaptic structure and competition.

Meselson, Matthew

Interests: bioinformatics, evolutionary biology, DNA sequence assembly and analysis.

Recruiting Postdoctoral Fellows. More Information

Murray, Andrew

Interests: Chromosome segregation, yeast sex, and evolution.

Murthy, Venkatesh

Interests: Neuronal cell biology, neural circuits and olfaction.

Nagashima, Kazuki

Interests: Exploring the Intersection of the Immune System, Microbiome, and Diet.

Recruiting Postdoctoral Fellows. More information 

Needleman, Daniel

Interests: Quantitative studies of biological self-organization, and the architecture and dynamics of subcellular structures.

Nelson, David

Interests: Force-induced denaturation of DNA, sequence heterogeneity and the dynamics of motor proteins, population growth and mutation in disordered media.

Nett, Ryan

Interests: Understanding and harnessing the complexity of plant chemistry and metabolism.

Prigozhin, Maxim

Interests: Multicolor and time-resolved electron microscopy of cell signaling. More Information

Recruiting Postdoctoral Fellows. More Information

Ramanathan, Sharad

Interests: Human development, Stem cell biology, Neuroscience, Computational Biology.

Recruiting Postdoctoral Fellows. More information

Rivas, Elena

Interests: Computational methods to identify functional genomic sequences and structures. Quest for conserved RNA structures.

Sanes, Joshua

Interests: Assembly and function of neural circuits in the visual system. (currently not taking students)

Uchida, Naoshige

Interests: Neurobiology of perception and decision making.

Recruiting Postdoctoral Fellows. More Information

Viel, Alain

Interests: Experimental design and teaching laboratories.

Whipple, Amanda

Interests: Gene regulatory mechanisms underlying genomic imprinting and functions of imprinted non-coding RNAs in neurophysiology and disease.

Multiple postdoc positions available in RNA biology, neurobiology, and computational biology. More Information