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Tag: Nao Uchida

Neuroscience Graduate Adam Lowet Wins Bowdoin Prize for Essay on Risk and Learning

Adam Lowet, a recent PhD graduate from Harvard’s Program in Neuroscience, has been awarded the prestigious Bowdoin Prize for Graduate Essay in the Natural Sciences with his composition…

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Naoshige Uchida Becomes Director of Undergraduate Studies in Neuroscience, Taking Over from Jeff Lichtman

MCB faculty Naoshige Uchida will succeed MCB faculty Jeff Lichtman as Head Tutor of Neuroscience. Each undergraduate concentration at Harvard has a Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS)—also known…

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How Neuron Types Work Together to Process Punishment and Reward [Uchida Lab]

As they navigate their environment, animals readily learn to repeat actions which yield reward and avoid actions which cause punishment. This kind of learning is especially efficient when…

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Uchida Lab Postdoc Iku Kimura Receives Funding from Japan Science and Technology Agency

Postdoc Iku Kimura of the Uchida Lab has been awarded a prestigious fellowship from the Japan Science and Technology Agency. The fellowship program, named “Promoting Individual Research to…

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Uchida Lab Connects Machine Learning Theory to Biological Brains

In our new study published in Nature Neuroscience, we found evidence that rodent brains use a specific form of learning called temporal difference (TD) learning. TD learning has…

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Always Checking Errors in Brains and Machines [Uchida Lab]

The last several years have seen remarkable developments in artificial intelligence (AI). Computers can now play complex video games such as Pac-Man, Space Invader, and even StarCraft II…

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Believing in Dopamine [Uchida Lab]

Predicting future rewards depends critically on beliefs about the current state of the world. For example, suppose you go to a restaurant with two chefs, one who you’ve…

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Who Moved My Arm? Learning from Performance Error [Uchida Lab]

You head to your favorite coffee shop, order a cappuccino, and when the barista calls your name, you grab your coffee. Imagine, however, you grab the wrong cup…

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Monoamine neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline are released by small populations of neurons that send information to much of the brain. These neurons function like major…

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