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Tag: mcb concentration

Dominic Mao Honored by Senior Class as a Favorite Professor in 2024 Yearbook

Dominic Mao, Molecular and Cellular Biology Lecturer and Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies for Chemical and Physical Biology (CPB) and MCB, has been voted one of the senior…

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Program for Scientifically-Inspired Leadership (PSIL) Will Host Workshop for High School Students in India

The Program for Scientifically-Inspired Leadership (PSIL), founded and led by Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies in MCB and CPB Dominic Mao, is returning to India this January to…

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Zoe Weiss (MCB ‘23) Celebrates Her Mentor in Science Essay

Recent alum Zoe Weiss (MCB ‘23) has published an essay titled “What I Owe My Mentor” in the journal Science. The essay highlights the contributions of her mentor…

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