Fellowship funding for graduate students fuels research at universities around the world, the MCO (Molecules, Cells, & Organisms) Program is no exception. G1 Maati McKinney was awarded fellowships…
Harvard University COVID-19 updates
Fellowship funding for graduate students fuels research at universities around the world, the MCO (Molecules, Cells, & Organisms) Program is no exception. G1 Maati McKinney was awarded fellowships…
On July 28 and 29, students, faculty, and staff convened on Zoom to hear students from both OEB’s E3 (Evolution, Ecology, and Environment) program and MCO’s Summer Research…
MCO graduate student Carlos Rivera-López (G2, Srivastava Lab) recently joined the Srivastava Lab, where he will study stem cells that enable regeneration in an aquatic worm called Hofstenia…
MCO Graduate Program alum Jenelle Wallace (Ph.D. ‘20, Murthy Lab and Stevens Lab) has received a prestigious Schmidt Science Fellowship that will support her postdoctoral research on the…
A team led by MCO graduate student Kumaresh Krishnan (G3) of the Engert Lab has been chosen to receive a $10,000 Seed for Change Grant from The Lakshmi…
In light of the intensifying COVID-19 crisis in India, students at Harvard and over a dozen other universities have banded together to raise funds for humanitarian relief. Since…
MCO Graduate Program alum Kayla Lee (Ph.D. ‘18, Springer Lab of HMS) is making a difference as a leader of the IBM-HBCU Quantum Center, an initiative that provides…
Last year, in response to ongoing concerns of inequality and bias in STEM, MCB launched the Community Task Force (CTF) on Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DIB). The task…
MCB faculty Venkatesh Murthy has been appearing on the podcast and interview radio circuit, discussing the neuroscience of smell. More people are listening to podcasts than ever before,…
MCB and OEB faculty Cassandra Extavour, MCO Assistant Director Fanuel Muindi, and 998 other Black scientists were recently highlighted in a blog post titled “1000 Inspiring Black Scientists…