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News from 2024

Q&A with Nick Bellono

"Nicholas Bellono is an Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) at Harvard University. He studied cell physiology and ion channel biophysics at Brown…

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Professor Haim Sompolinsky Receives The Brain Prize

MCB Professor-in-Residence and Professor of Physics Haim Sompolinsky has been awarded The Brain Prize, the world’s largest brain research prize, given to researchers who have had a ground-breaking…

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Postdoc Spotlight: Olakunle Jaiyesimi [Extavour Lab]

Postdoc Olakunle Jaiyesimi of the Extavour Lab is using metabolomics, or the study of an organism’s global metabolic products, to address questions about the effects of the environment…

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Graduate Student Spotlight: Alan Baez Vazquez

MCO graduate student Alan Baez Vazquez is investigating how immune cells called macrophages contribute to repair of damaged lung tissue in Ruth Franklin’s lab. Franklin is an Assistant…

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Quanta Magazine Features Cassandra Extavour

OEB and MCB faculty Cassandra Extavour and her research into the origins of multicellular life are featured in a recent story in Quanta Magazine.  Interviewed by Claudia Dreifus,…

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Craig McFarland (Neuroscience ’25) Honored as Early Career Policy Ambassador by Society for Neuroscience

Harvard undergraduate Craig McFarland (‘25), was recently elected to the Society for Neuroscience’s 2024 Early Career Policy Ambassador program (ECPA), one of just ten individuals selected nationwide and…

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How a “Spot the Difference” Technique Illuminates the Wiggling of Proteins

It’s common to speak of “the structure of a protein,” but proteins are dynamic molecules that move and shapeshift.  A protein can be described as 1-dimensional polymer –…

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Interdisciplinary and Inter-Institutional Partnership Studying Neurodegenerative Diseases Wins Support from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Work from the lab of Jeeyun Chung, Assistant Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology, on lipid droplets’ roles in neurodegenerative diseases will be supported by a Chan Zuckerberg…

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Join Us for a Workshop Tailored for the MCB Community Reviewing the University’s New Non-discrimination and Anti-bullying Policies

The MCB Community Task Force (CTF) on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (EDIB) hopes to identify inequalities that exist in our community and action items that we can…

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Dominic Mao Honored by Senior Class as a Favorite Professor in 2024 Yearbook

Dominic Mao, Molecular and Cellular Biology Lecturer and Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies for Chemical and Physical Biology (CPB) and MCB, has been voted one of the senior…

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