Four postdocs from MCB labs recently received fellowships that will enable their research on bacterial gene expression, the olfactory system, deer mouse behavior, and cognition in larval zebrafish.…
Harvard University COVID-19 updates
Four postdocs from MCB labs recently received fellowships that will enable their research on bacterial gene expression, the olfactory system, deer mouse behavior, and cognition in larval zebrafish.…
Fellowship funding for graduate students fuels research at universities around the world, the MCO (Molecules, Cells, & Organisms) Program is no exception. G1 Maati McKinney was awarded fellowships…
The most recent eLife paper from the Dulac lab was just featured in the MCB had previously reported on this publication,
MCB and OEB faculty Cassandra Extavour is one of the 33 distinguished scientists to be named as a 2021 HHMI Investigator. The prestigious award, funded by the Howard…
MCO student Nicole Bush from Craig Hunter's lab nominated her worm pick. Sometimes it’s the things you make yourself that are the best. That’s the case with Bush,…
We are seeking applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. The Department offers an interactive research community with interests in a…
Small transparent animals like zebrafish and C. elegans have long been heralded for their accessibility to optical methods to manipulate and monitor neuronal function. A major shift in…
In 2020, the MCB Department established a Community Task Force (CTF) on Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging. CTF members—including students, faculty, postdocs, and staff from a wide variety of…
The final two teams in this year's Rhino League:
A major goal of modern neuroscience is uncovering the circuit mechanisms that control naturalistic behaviors, including foraging, nesting, and social behaviors such as mating, aggression, and parenting. These…