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News from 2024

Systematic Analyses Find That Related Transport Proteins Choreograph Their Conformational Dance from a Small Set of Common Moves

Organisms must take up nutrients and extrude toxins and waste to survive, grow, and reproduce. These import and export functions are performed at cellular membranes by proteins referred…

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MCO Graduate Student Mackenzie Smith Awarded NSF Fellowship

MCO graduate student Mackenzie Smith of  Ya-Chieh Hsu’s lab in SCRB has received a grant from the NSF’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). The NSF’s GRFP provides fellowships…

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Jeeyun Chung Earns Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship and Charles H. Hood Foundation Grant

MCB faculty Jeeyun Chung has both received a Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship Award in Neuroscience and a Charles H. Hood Foundation Child Health Research Award.  Issued by the Esther A.…

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Focus on Fellowships: Six Bellono Lab Postdocs Awarded Fellowships

Receiving a fellowship is a key milestone, as well as an important source of funding, for many postdocs. Many labs, such as the Bellono Lab, go out of…

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Kazuki Nagashima Wins NOSTER-Science Microbiome Prize

Kazuki Nagashima, who will join MCB as new faculty on August 1st,  has won the NOSTER-Science Microbiome Prize. Aimed at early career microbiome researchers, contest entrants write an…

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Welcome to Kazuki Nagashima and Marissa Gredler to MCB

Two new faculty, Kazuki Nagashima and Marissa Gredler, will join MCB as Assistant Professors in the upcoming months. Kazuki Nagashima studies interactions between immunology, the microbiome, and diet.…

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Jeff Lichtman Named Dean of Science for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Commencing today, July 1st, MCB’s Jeff Lichtman will embark on a new chapter as the Dean of Science for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, a role that…

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Six Postdocs from MCB Labs Receive Fellowship Funding

This spring, several postdocs in MCB labs have been awarded fellowships to further their research. Alon Chappleboim of the Ramanathan Lab received a Damon Runyon Fellowship Award, Lyle…

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AI Agents Help Worms Find Food by Integrating with Their Nervous Systems [Ramanathan Lab]

There is a class of AI called reinforcement learning (RL), which works by taking actions in an environment and then learning from the outcome. RL agents have become…

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Model Predicts Size of Yeast Clusters [Murray Lab]

Researchers from the Murray Lab, led by Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) graduate student Piyush Nanda, have recently published a paper in the journal Current Biology on a…

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