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Learning the Rules of Cooperation from Ants to Make Collaborative Robots

Collective problem-solving is a prominent signature of animal societies. It’s a hallmark of the human race, but we’re not the only ones. Ants, like us, cooperate with each…

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How E. coli Bacteria Activate a Toxin They Produce in a Way That Avoids Self-harm [Gaudet- and Balskus Labs]

The microorganisms living in, on, and around us, collectively known as the microbiome, produce metabolites that affect our health. Some of these molecules are essential for our wellbeing,…

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Inversions, Inversions Everywhere [Hoekstra Lab]

Chromosomal inversions are a form of genetic mutation in which a segment of DNA reverses orientation along a chromosome. Inversions were first discovered over 100 years ago by…

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How to Make Injured Neurons Survive [Sanes Lab]

It is old news that damage to our brain or spinal cord is generally irreversible, leading to a gloomy prognosis for neurodegenerative disease or traumatic injury.  More than…

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Hoekstra Lab Identifies Chromosomal Inversion That Helps Deer Mice Adapt to their Environment

Forest-dwelling deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) can be distinguished from their prairie-roaming counterparts by their longer tails and their darker coat color, which helps them blend into a woodland…

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Uchida Lab Connects Machine Learning Theory to Biological Brains

In our new study published in Nature Neuroscience, we found evidence that rodent brains use a specific form of learning called temporal difference (TD) learning. TD learning has…

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Murthy Lab Investigates the Formation of “Smell Memories”

Good or bad experiences associated with smells are thought to become strongly ingrained in memory, even more so than memories associated with sights, sounds, and other senses. Where…

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How the Brain Makes Us Feel Sick [Dulac Lab]

When humans have an infection, like a cold or the flu, they are fatigued and achy, have a reduced appetite and elevated body temperature (aka a fever). Remarkably…

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Scents of Belonging: An Olfactory-oxytocin Pathway for the Social Regulation of Appetite and Avoidance [Engert- and Kunes Labs]

In a project jointly led by the Kunes and Engert laboratories, co-first authors Caroline Wee, Erin Song, and Maxim Nikitchenko used the larval zebrafish to take a deep…

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