Brennand, Kristen
“Beta-Cell Replication and Differentiation” Doug Melton Lab (SCRB)
Chamberlain, Chester
“Tracking sonic hedgehog with green fluorescent protein during patterning of the mouse neural tube”
Andrew P. McMahon Lab (MCB)
Chen, Xi
“Cytoskeletal remodeling during human Natural Killer cell cytotoxicity” Jack L Strominger Lab (MCB)
Choi, Philip
“Characterization of MicroRNAs Mediating Olfactory Neurogenesis” Catherine Dulac Lab (MCB)
Chu, Frances
“Regulatory pathways governing biofilm formation in Bacillus subtilis” Richard M Losick Lab (MCB)
de Bivort, Benjamin
“Plasticity and Polarity Elements of the Drosophila Phototactic Circuitry” Sam Kunes Lab (MCB)
Gray, Jessica
“The role of neuronal connectivity in the color Rhodopsin choice of Drosophila” Sam Kunes Lab (MCB)
Lang, Gregory
“The Mutation rate variation in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae” Andrew W Murray Lab (MCB)
Newton, Jamila
“Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Vesicle Trafficking” Venkatesh N Murthy Lab (MCB)
Shen-Orr, Shai
“Understanding gene regulation using conserved developmental constraints” Craig P Hunter Lab (MCB)
Willensdorfer, Martin
“The Evolution of Multicellularity and Phenotypic Rates”
Martin Nowak Lab (OEB)
Note: A copy of any dissertation listed above may be ordered directly from UMI Dissertation Publishing (ProQuest), by calling 1-800-521-3042, or on the web.